Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cause You Had A Bad Day!!

I woke up with a heavy heart, bleeding deep inside me and I checked for reasons but found none. here i am wondering: how possible is it for one to be happy the previous day before bed and wake up feeling like the world has come crashing right at your feet.....(Let me Roll back to the previous day)

SUNDAY: was really exciting for me cos i had a "date" with a guy i met sometime has been scheduled and postponed ten times over and finally I decided to give him a much as i really lack patience when it comes to waiting for a man.he somewhat proved me wrong..he waited 2 hrs for me...
   I remember stepping into the "Restaurant" with a mouthful of apologies but was being cut off with a peck in the cheek saying its alright..u r worth the much for being pretty..
  I never had that much stare like i got not even when i was on stage contesting for a beauty pagentry..lil wonder y?..we got gisting and i threw D question @ him..
..............what do u want from me? looking at him straight in the eyes. he stuttered,stammered and responded " what do u think i want"? and i couldn't help bt chuckle, this guy is something..i didnt know what else to say so i kept mute and just glanced when possible.
we got to see a movie which was quite exhilarating and refreshingly cool @ d time. it kept me going and took me off some disturbing issues bugging my mind.....
......1.Do i really like him?
......2.Can i hang on as much as im expected to?
......3.How long will this seemingly relationship work?
......4. Does he deserve a chance?
But the truth of it all was i had no answer to all this..
The movie ended and we strolled, holding hands and cracked up to a joke he said..and all eyes seemed to be fixated on us..i am sure what could be going through that head of theirs will be...
What in the world is this girl doing with a white guy?
Hmmm, yeah..i had a date with him but im not bothered by the color of his skin or the fact that he comes form a different world other than lies in the individual..I held my head high and we walked pass. we said our goodbyes and fixed a date for another hang-out and that made my day conventionally..
I got home and was on the phone for hours chitchatting, quite hilarious and felt exhausted not to boredom but for fits of laughter based on the funny stories being told..I have never laughed so hard in a while..  That sure completed my Day and i slept peacefully, content, looking forward to a beautiful week...

MONDAY: My alarm rang and i felt choleric and that was the beginning of "D BAD DAY" for me..i happened to snap @ everyone that came along my path, i felt easily irritated for no just cause.I just wasnt cheerful and though they tried hard to make me be, i couldn't give in... thoughts were fizzling through my brain and i couldn't help but wonder where and how it all started..
....1. did i have a bad dream? could driving in the dream be described "bad"? now i wish i knew any dream interpreter..
....2. Can over excitement get to u?
all this questions kept haunting me and i had no answers to them.
  During the course of the day, i knew i just couldn't continue like this. i had to keep my head back on track and i remembered my love for good Soul music..the kind that gets to u and makes u remember the good times one has had in times past... i plugged my earpiece to my phone and did justice to it and Boom Boom, i was my cheerful self again.
I know God cannot bring problems to his children without paving way for solutions to come forth. I was cash trapped and that weighed me down i rightly knew what makes me tick and i got right to it and the transformation happened... Thank God for Music..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

O Death!! Where is thy Sting!!

“Naked a man comes from his mother’s womb,
and as he comes, so he departs.
He takes nothing from his Labor
that he can carry in his Hand.”

  • It breaks my heart to add that today March 15 2011, the world became a little bit darker when one of its most beautiful lights, my Grandma passed away. While I am devastated, I am also relieved that she will no longer suffer the effects of the sickness she has been struggling with for the past years.She wasn't a chubby person but she suffered a terrible weight loss: she started to really look scary. She would no longer keep her teeth in her mouth, she was not coherent at all. She made no sense and had no idea at all who I was. Grandma had begun the slippery descent into the end of her life. My lively, feisty, funny, chatterbox of a Grandmother was gone and replaced by this shell of a person. Her eyes were dead empty. Gone was the sparkle, the twinkle, the life.She was deteriorating before my eyes and I could do nothing to stop it or to help her. There was no quality of life, she had no clue who we were, who she was, or what was going on around her. She was unable to walk, or care for herself.

  • It's hard for me to reflect upon my grandmother's life because I was part of it for a little less than half its span.Our family is a tree, with all the branches and leaves leading back to a strong and sturdy woman with roots deep in the ground.Knowing that my own children will never know her, never be able to feel that embrace. It makes me sad. Her body may be gone, but she lives on in the deepest fiber of our being. Her life and blood and memory live on in us, her children,grandchildren and great grandchildren.. We're her legacy and life's work, and I'm proud and grateful every day to belong to such noble blood.
    It is enough for me now that I knew what her house smelled like, the broadness of her smile, the light in her eyes,the sound of her laugh, the firmness of her voice. She had a strong and powerful will and while this disease robbed her of everything, it could not rob her of the place she has in our heart.
  •  As the dove of life that represents all that you are now soars to heaven above, it is now your time to rest, sit back in that big cozy armchair which is now heaven for you, and know that the world is a better place for the legacy you’ve created. You are gone to a better place now; a place I hope to see. You're not dead and gone for you're resting peacefully.
“Only in Death will we have our own names since only in Death are we no longer part of the Effort.
 In Death we become Heroes.”

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


- Its been a while I came on here.Been occupied with lots "that i don't think  necessary" but its a chapter that has to be opened am not gonna be self-centered...
 Hey Guys,
How r y'all doing? which brings me to the start of this post.
 - Like i earlier noted, Do I really enjoy what am doing? Well, it's called a learning process and @ this stage i just have to put my head down and be submissive..Imagine being dubbed "Not Serious" cos i wasn't getting all in...(**wink**)

- How possible can one study a course without knowing simple things..I remember a time I went for an Interview and was expected to be "Globally reformed'.still trying to figure out what that means and it brings me to a case where we had a practical class and a course mate couldn't power on a computer system @ 300 level (applicable in our universities) and it was no joke.....

- For now, I am to know certain things in my field cos soon heading to the fore where all eyes will be on me..(wouldn't wanna be embarrassed)
    God, I need direction.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
I am contemplating my blessings now,
As my birthday nears.
I consider special people
Who loves me, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched my life
Just by being there.
I am thinking about the memories
The passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made me who i am.
Another year is a happy gift,
So Im Just gonna cut my cake, and say,
"Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!"

Monday, December 20, 2010


Some people say Life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment
and that you have to live each day like it's your last......BULLSHIT!!!

For me, Life is LONG...You are probably not gonna get hit by a bus and you are gonna have to live with the choices you make for the Next......Yrs.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thats Me!!!

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
Like a hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet. 

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Life is about Choices.
We are all the sum of our choices and most of them are made for us.
You cant choose when you're born.
You can't choose where you're born.
You can't choose your family.
You can't even choose who you love .
But you can choose how you love.
This greatly affect our judgement and we feel obliged or indebted to our subconscious nature.
It marvels me when we feel we cannot choose between right/wrong or good/bad.
Wake from your slumber and the world will be a better place for us.